Dear fellow countrymen,
At our last home country meeting on the 29th of June 2013 in Pforzheim, the cemetery in Deutschsankpeter was a subject of debate. Many graves, especially in the outer areas of the cemetery, are overgrown by brushwood. Visitors are not able to access these areas without restrictions. Walter Winter and a team of people supporting him, put in a tremendous effort this summer to improve the situation. The pictures in the appendix show his efforts.
Dear fellow countrymen, the financial backing of these works, refurbishments and cemetery care depends on our generous donations.
Your contributions will be used to finance substantial refurbishment works. Later on they will be used to allow for continuing maintenance by cemetery gardeners. The initial efforts will require generous donations from your side. Cemetery maintenance in the coming years should then be covered with 10-20 Euros per grave and year.
We will make sure to provide full transparency and account of the funds we receive and their application.
We are planning to build a digital cemetery register with pictures of the graves. This way even people not knowing the place can find their way around the cemetery when visiting.
Dear fellow countrymen, in order to make our communication quicker and more cost effective, we would like to transfer from postal mail to email communication. Please inform us about your email address (alternatively your children?s email address). Communication via email will be easier and quicker.
Lastly, please forward this letter to anybody who could be interested in the matter.
Best regards,
Hildegard Zappel and the cemetery working group
Pictures of Marlene Hollerbach from summer 2014.
Lots of work ahead of us!
Your help is needed.